Total radical responsibility and the five steps to igniting the team

Let’s face it – at certain times all teams need to be re-ignited. Everyone can feel flat, tired, and a little uninspired at times. Sometimes an organisation goes through challenging times. Whether that is a changing market, changing legislation, economic factors, increased budgets, or a change in leadership. There are times that the organisation needs to relight that inner spark again.

This keynote presentation lays out the five steps to re-ignition. Through masterful storytelling, high energy, and humour, Chris guides you through the process of acceptance, total radical responsibility, perspective, engagement, and clarity. For some organisations, the team is not in acceptance, but instead they are in denial. Instead of ownership, they blame everyone else. Instead of perspective, they are self-loathing. Instead of excellent customer engagement, they are frozen. Instead of clarity, they are resigned to do things as they have always been done. This keynote is about re-igniting the team.

Key takeaways:

  • Immediately take charge of the situation you are in
  • Take radical responsibility for your part in the adversities you face
  • Gain perspective and clarity on the goal setting moving forward
  • Re-discover the purpose of why you do what you do